Remnant kenngoor (Phascogale calura) retain genetic connectivity and genetic diversity in a highly fragmented landscape

Type: Journal Article

Reference: de Visser, R. S., Hall, M., Ottewell, K., Pierson, J. C., Sanders, A., Friend, J. A., Berry, L., Hogg, C. & Catullo, R. A. (2024). Remnant kenngoor (Phascogale calura) retain genetic connectivity and genetic diversity in a highly fragmented landscape. Conservation Genetics, 1-15.


Kenngoor (Phascogale calura) persist in < 1% of their original distribution, occupying highly fragmented remnant habitat in south-west Western Australia, with very little known of the genetic diversity of the remaining wild populations. Recently, the species has been translocated to managed reserves to improve its conservation. Understanding genetic structure and patterns of genetic diversity is crucial to inform conservation translocations for species recovery. This study aims to (1) assess genetic structure and genetic diversity across remaining wild locations, (2) assess long-term genetic outcomes of a mixed-source wild-to-wild translocation, and (3) estimate global effective population size. We genotyped 209 samples from 13 locations of fragmented remnant habitat using reduced representation sequencing. An isolation by distance model best explained genetic structure across the survey areas, with evidence of fine scale divergence of two northern locations. Allelic richness and autosomal heterozygosity measures indicated that diversity is spread uniformly across locations, and no locations showed signs of inbreeding or strong genetic drift. The mixed-source translocation has retained the diversity of the wider species ten years post-translocation. Overall, our results suggest that connectivity between survey areas has largely been maintained and that no location has substantially lower genetic diversity, despite the highly fragmented nature of remnant kenngoor habitat. Future translocations should aim to represent a mixture of genetically divergent locations to maintain the diversity present at the species level. Ongoing conservation management will be required to ensure the long-term viability of the species in this fragmented landscape.

A chromosome-level genome assembly for the dugong

Type: Journal Article

Reference: Dorothy Nevé Baker, Linelle Abueg, Merly Escalona, Katherine A Farquharson, Janet M Lanyon, Diana Le Duc, Torsten Schöneberg, Dominic Absolon, Ying Sims, Olivier Fedrigo, Erich D Jarvis, Katherine Belov, Carolyn J Hogg, Beth Shapiro, A chromosome-level genome assembly for the dugong (Dugong dugon), Journal of Heredity, Volume 115, Issue 2, March 2024, Pages 212–220,


The dugong (Dugong dugon) is a marine mammal widely distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific and the Red Sea, with a Vulnerable conservation status, and little is known about many of the more peripheral populations, some of which are thought to be close to extinction. We present a de novo high-quality genome assembly for the dugong from an individual belonging to the well-monitored Moreton Bay population in Queensland, Australia. Our assembly uses long-read PacBio HiFi sequencing and Omni-C data following the Vertebrate Genome Project pipeline to reach chromosome-level contiguity (24 chromosome-level scaffolds; 3.16 Gbp) and high completeness (97.9% complete BUSCOs). We observed relatively high genome-wide heterozygosity, which likely reflects historical population abundance before the last interglacial period, approximately 125,000 yr ago. Demographic inference suggests that dugong populations began declining as sea levels fell after the last interglacial period, likely a result of population fragmentation and habitat loss due to the exposure of seagrass meadows. We find no evidence for ongoing recent inbreeding in this individual. However, runs of homozygosity indicate some past inbreeding. Our draft genome assembly will enable range-wide assessments of genetic diversity and adaptation, facilitate effective management of dugong populations, and allow comparative genomics analyses including with other sirenians, the oldest marine mammal lineage.

Translating genomic advances into biodiversity conservation

Type: Journal Article

Reference: Hogg, C.J. Translating genomic advances into biodiversity conservation. Nat Rev Genet (2023).


A key action of the new Global Biodiversity Framework is the maintenance of genetic diversity in all species to safeguard their adaptive potential. To achieve this goal, a translational mindset, which aims to convert results of basic research into direct practical benefits, needs to be applied to biodiversity conservation. Despite much discussion on the value of genomics to conservation, a disconnect between those generating genomic resources and those applying it to biodiversity management remains. As global efforts to generate reference genomes for non-model species increase, investment into practical biodiversity applications is critically important. Applications such as understanding population and multispecies diversity and longitudinal monitoring need support alongside education for policymakers on integrating the data into evidence-based decisions. Without such investment, the opportunity to revolutionize global biodiversity conservation using genomics will not be fully realized.

Sydney Science in Instagram: Meet PhD Student Holly Nelson

Meet PhD student Holly Nelson. Her research with the USYD Australian Wildlife Genomics group and NSW Department of Planning and Environment focuses on using genomic data to help provide tools for the management of threatened species, especially the critically endangered Bellinger River snapping turtle.

Watch the full video here:


How to catch a Tasmanian devil

by Dr Elspeth McLennan (Post-doc)

Tasmanian devils are nocturnal. We set traps during the day and overnight curious devils will come to investigate. The traps we use are made of strong PVC plastic fashioned into a cylinder with a spring trap door (see cover picture). The traps are baited with a devil’s favourite treat, a piece of fresh lamb or wallaby. The meat is tied onto the end of a string, fed through the trap, and tied to a pin which holds the door open.

Tasmanian devil inside trap

When a devil comes investigating the smell of the meat, they walk to the end of the trap and take the bait. When the meat is pulled and eaten, the pin holding the door open is pulled free and the door swings shut. A second pin slides forward as the door closes and locks it. Devils spend the night in a cosy enclosed space with a full belly. The field biologists begin checking the traps as soon as the sun is up. As its daylight, we often find devils snoozing in their traps.

To perform a health check on the devil, we place a hessian sack over the opening of the trap, gently tilt the trap and the devil slides forward into the sack. The sack is used to keep the devil’s eyes covered to keep them calm making them easier to handle while we check them over. We take their weight, check their body condition, look for wounds and record pouch young in females. For populations suffering from devil facial tumour disease (DFTD), the disease status of each animal is also recorded. Once the devil has been processed, they are released. On a single trapping trip, we will often see the same devils a few times. The free food and somewhere to crash is clearly a good draw.


Dr Elspeth McLennan

Dr Elspeth McLennan (Post-doc) is working the on the Koala Genome Survey, investigating both neutral and functional diversity across the koala’s range to better understand the impacts of a changing climate. Elspeth has expertise in conservation genetics and using translocation and assisted colonisations as a conservation management tool.

DNA methylation networks underlying mammalian traits

Type: Journal article

Reference: Haghani, A., et al. (2023). DNA methylation networks underlying mammalian traits. Science, 381(6658), eabq5693.


Using DNA methylation profiles (n = 15,456) from 348 mammalian species, we constructed phyloepigenetic trees that bear marked similarities to traditional phylogenetic ones. Using unsupervised clustering across all samples, we identified 55 distinct cytosine modules, of which 30 are related to traits such as maximum life span, adult weight, age, sex, and human mortality risk. Maximum life span is associated with methylation levels in HOXL subclass homeobox genes and developmental processes and is potentially regulated by pluripotency transcription factors. The methylation state of some modules responds to perturbations such as caloric restriction, ablation of growth hormone receptors, consumption of high-fat diets, and expression of Yamanaka factors. This study reveals an intertwined evolution of the genome and epigenome that mediates the biological characteristics and traits of different mammalian species.

Universal DNA methylation age across mammalian tissues

Type: Journal Article

Reference: Lu, A. T., et al. (2023). Universal DNA methylation age across mammalian tissues. Nature Aging.


Aging, often considered a result of random cellular damage, can be accurately estimated using DNA methylation profiles, the foundation of pan-tissue epigenetic clocks. Here, we demonstrate the development of universal pan-mammalian clocks, using 11,754 methylation arrays from our Mammalian Methylation Consortium, which encompass 59 tissue types across 185 mammalian species. These predictive models estimate mammalian tissue age with high accuracy (r > 0.96). Age deviations correlate with human mortality risk, mouse somatotropic axis mutations and caloric restriction. We identified specific cytosines with methylation levels that change with age across numerous species. These sites, highly enriched in polycomb repressive complex 2-binding locations, are near genes implicated in mammalian development, cancer, obesity and longevity. Our findings offer new evidence suggesting that aging is evolutionarily conserved and intertwined with developmental processes across all mammals.

Tasmanian devil cathelicidins exhibit anticancer activity against Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD) cells

Type: Journal Article

Reference: Petrohilos, C., Patchett, A., Hogg, C.J. et al. Tasmanian devil cathelicidins exhibit anticancer activity against Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD) cells. Science Report 13, 12698 (2023). doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-39901-0


The Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) is endangered due to the spread of Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD), a contagious cancer with no current treatment options. Here we test whether seven recently characterized Tasmanian devil cathelicidins are involved in cancer regulation. We measured DFTD cell viability in vitro following incubation with each of the seven peptides and describe the effect of each on gene expression in treated cells. Four cathelicidins (Saha-CATH3, 4, 5 and 6) were toxic to DFTD cells and caused general signs of cellular stress. The most toxic peptide (Saha-CATH5) also suppressed the ERBB and YAP1/TAZ signaling pathways, both of which have been identified as important drivers of cancer proliferation. Three cathelicidins induced inflammatory pathways in DFTD cells that may potentially recruit immune cells in vivo. This study suggests that devil cathelicidins have some anti-cancer and inflammatory functions and should be explored further to determine whether they have potential as treatment leads.

The genome sequence of the critically endangered Kroombit tinkerfrog

Type: Journal Article

Reference: Farquharson, K., McLennan, E., Belov, K., & Hogg, C. (2023). The genome sequence of the critically endangered Kroombit tinkerfrog (Taudactylus pleione). F1000Research, 12(845).


The Kroombit tinkerfrog (Taudactylus pleione) is a stream-dwelling amphibian of the Myobatrachidae family. It is listed as Critically Endangered and is at high risk of extinction due to chytridiomycosis. Here, we provide the first genome assembly of the evolutionarily distinct Taudactylus genus. We sequenced PacBio HiFi reads to assemble a high-quality long-read genome and identified the mitochondrial genome. We also generated a global transcriptome from a tadpole to improve gene annotation. The genome was 5.52 Gb in length and consisted of 4,196 contigs with a contig N50 of 8.853 Mb and an L50 of 153. This study provides the first genomic resources for the Kroombit tinkerfrog to assist in future phylogenetic, environmental DNA, conservation breeding, and disease susceptibility studies.