Genomic insights into the critically endangered King Island scrubtit

Type: Journal Article

Reference: Crates, R., von Takach, B., Young, C.M., Stojanovic, D., Neaves, L., Murphy, L., Gautschi, D., Hogg, C.J., Heinsohn, R., Bell, P. and Farquharson, K.A., 2024. Genomic insights into the critically endangered King Island scrubtit. Journal of Heredity, p.esae029.


Small, fragmented or isolated populations are at risk of population decline due to fitness costs associated with inbreeding and genetic drift. The King Island scrubtit Acanthornis magna greeniana is a critically endangered subspecies of the nominate Tasmanian scrubtit A. m. magna, with an estimated population of < 100 individuals persisting in three patches of swamp forest. The Tasmanian scrubtit is widespread in wet forests on mainland Tasmania. We sequenced the scrubtit genome using PacBio HiFi and undertook a population genomic study of the King Island and Tasmanian scrubtits using a double-digest restriction site-associated DNA (ddRAD) dataset of 5,239 SNP loci. The genome was 1.48 Gb long, comprising 1,518 contigs with an N50 of 7.715 Mb. King Island scrubtits formed one of four overall genetic clusters, but separated into three distinct subpopulations when analysed independently of the Tasmanian scrubtit. Pairwise FST values were greater among the King Island scrubtit subpopulations than among most Tasmanian scrubtit subpopulations. Genetic diversity was lower and inbreeding coefficients were higher in the King Island scrubtit than all except one of the Tasmanian scrubtit subpopulations. We observed crown baldness in 8/15 King Island scrubtits, but 0/55 Tasmanian scrubtits. Six loci were significantly associated with baldness, including one within the DOCK11 gene which is linked to early feather development. Contemporary gene flow between King Island scrubtit subpopulations is unlikely, with further field monitoring required to quantify the fitness consequences of its small population size, low genetic diversity and high inbreeding. Evidence-based conservation actions can then be implemented before the taxon goes extinct.

Reinforcements in the face of ongoing threats: A case study from a critically small carnivore population

Type: Journal Article

Reference: McLennan, E.A., Cheng, Y., Farquharson, K.A., Grueber, C.E., Elmer, J., Alexander, L., Fox, S., Belov, K. and Hogg, C.J., 2024. Reinforcements in the face of ongoing threats: a case study from a critically small carnivore population. Animal Conservation.


Reinforcements are a well-established tool for alleviating small population pressures of inbreeding and genetic diversity loss. Some small populations also suffer from specific threats that pose a discrete selective pressure, like diseases. Uncertainty about reinforcing diseased populations exists, as doing so may increase disease prevalence and disrupt potential adaptive processes. However, without assisted gene flow, isolated populations are at high risk of extinction. Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus harrisii) are a useful case study to test whether reinforcements can alleviate small-population pressures where there is an ongoing disease pressure. We investigated demographic, genome-wide and functional genetic diversity, and disease consequences of reinforcing a small population (<20 animals) that was severely impacted by devil facial tumour disease. Released animals from one source population successfully bred with incumbent individuals, tripling the population size, improving genome-wide and functional diversity and introducing 26 new putatively functional alleles, with no common alleles lost and no increase in disease prevalence. Results suggest, in the case of Tasmanian devils, reinforcements can alleviate small-population pressures without increasing disease prevalence. Because no common functional alleles were lost, it is likely that any adaptive processes in response to the disease may still occur in the reinforced population, perhaps even with greater efficiency due to reduced genetic drift (due to larger population size). Our study is presented as a comprehensive worked example of the IUCN’s guidelines for monitoring reinforcements, to showcase the value of genetic monitoring in a richly monitored system and provide realistic approaches to test similar questions in other taxa.

Multi-omics resources for the Australian stuttering frog (Mixophyes balbus) reveal assorted antimicrobial peptides

Type: Journal Article

Reference: Tang, S., Peel, E., Belov, K., Hogg, C. J., & Farquharson, K. A. (2024). Multi-omics resources for the Australian southern stuttering frog (Mixophyes australis) reveal assorted antimicrobial peptides. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 3991.


The number of genome-level resources for non-model species continues to rapidly expand. However, frog species remain underrepresented, with up to 90% of frog genera having no genomic or transcriptomic data. Here, we assemble the first genomic and transcriptomic resources for the recently described southern stuttering frog (Mixophyes australis). The southern stuttering frog is ground-dwelling, inhabiting naturally vegetated riverbanks in south-eastern Australia. Using PacBio HiFi long-read sequencing and Hi-C scaffolding, we generated a high-quality genome assembly, with a scaffold N50 of 369.3 Mb and 95.1% of the genome contained in twelve scaffolds. Using this assembly, we identified the mitochondrial genome, and assembled six tissue-specific transcriptomes. We also bioinformatically characterised novel sequences of two families of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) in the southern stuttering frog, the cathelicidins and β-defensins. While traditional peptidomic approaches to peptide discovery have typically identified one or two AMPs in a frog species from skin secretions, our bioinformatic approach discovered 12 cathelicidins and two β-defensins that were expressed in a range of tissues. We investigated the novelty of the peptides and found diverse predicted activities. Our bioinformatic approach highlights the benefits of multi-omics resources in peptide discovery and contributes valuable genomic resources in an under-represented taxon.

A chromosome-level genome assembly for the dugong

Type: Journal Article

Reference: Dorothy Nevé Baker, Linelle Abueg, Merly Escalona, Katherine A Farquharson, Janet M Lanyon, Diana Le Duc, Torsten Schöneberg, Dominic Absolon, Ying Sims, Olivier Fedrigo, Erich D Jarvis, Katherine Belov, Carolyn J Hogg, Beth Shapiro, A chromosome-level genome assembly for the dugong (Dugong dugon), Journal of Heredity, Volume 115, Issue 2, March 2024, Pages 212–220,


The dugong (Dugong dugon) is a marine mammal widely distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific and the Red Sea, with a Vulnerable conservation status, and little is known about many of the more peripheral populations, some of which are thought to be close to extinction. We present a de novo high-quality genome assembly for the dugong from an individual belonging to the well-monitored Moreton Bay population in Queensland, Australia. Our assembly uses long-read PacBio HiFi sequencing and Omni-C data following the Vertebrate Genome Project pipeline to reach chromosome-level contiguity (24 chromosome-level scaffolds; 3.16 Gbp) and high completeness (97.9% complete BUSCOs). We observed relatively high genome-wide heterozygosity, which likely reflects historical population abundance before the last interglacial period, approximately 125,000 yr ago. Demographic inference suggests that dugong populations began declining as sea levels fell after the last interglacial period, likely a result of population fragmentation and habitat loss due to the exposure of seagrass meadows. We find no evidence for ongoing recent inbreeding in this individual. However, runs of homozygosity indicate some past inbreeding. Our draft genome assembly will enable range-wide assessments of genetic diversity and adaptation, facilitate effective management of dugong populations, and allow comparative genomics analyses including with other sirenians, the oldest marine mammal lineage.

The genome sequence of the critically endangered Kroombit tinkerfrog

Type: Journal Article

Reference: Farquharson, K., McLennan, E., Belov, K., & Hogg, C. (2023). The genome sequence of the critically endangered Kroombit tinkerfrog (Taudactylus pleione). F1000Research, 12(845).


The Kroombit tinkerfrog (Taudactylus pleione) is a stream-dwelling amphibian of the Myobatrachidae family. It is listed as Critically Endangered and is at high risk of extinction due to chytridiomycosis. Here, we provide the first genome assembly of the evolutionarily distinct Taudactylus genus. We sequenced PacBio HiFi reads to assemble a high-quality long-read genome and identified the mitochondrial genome. We also generated a global transcriptome from a tadpole to improve gene annotation. The genome was 5.52 Gb in length and consisted of 4,196 contigs with a contig N50 of 8.853 Mb and an L50 of 153. This study provides the first genomic resources for the Kroombit tinkerfrog to assist in future phylogenetic, environmental DNA, conservation breeding, and disease susceptibility studies.

Adaptive Genetic Management of a Reintroduction Program from Captive Breeding to Metapopulation Management of an Arboreal Marsupial

Type: Journal article

Reference: Pierson, J. C., Berry, L., Alexander, L., Anson, J., Birkett, M., Kemp, L., Pascoe, B. A., Farquharson, K. A., & Hogg, C. J. (2023). Adaptive Genetic Management of a Reintroduction Program from Captive Breeding to Metapopulation Management of an Arboreal Marsupial. Diversity, 15(7), 848.


The application of genetic data to conservation management programs can be hindered by the mismatch in timelines for management decisions and the acquisition of genetic data, particularly genomic sequence data that may require outsourcing. While applying genetic principles where data are absent can provide general guidelines for actions, genetic data can often fine-tune actions through adaptive management. We describe the adaptive genetic management of the establishment of a metapopulation of a small arboreal marsupial, the red-tailed phascogale (Phascogale calura). Two captive breeding programs were established as source populations, with genetic principles applied to the establishment of the first program and empirical genetic data used to guide the establishment of the second program. Genetic data from both programs were then used to allocate founders to three new populations to create a metapopulation with diversity both within and among the sites. Building and maintaining the diversity of metapopulations when recovering threatened species will reduce pressure on the original source populations and increase the resilience of the species.


Making bioinformatics more accessible

by Dr. Kate Farquharson (Post-doc)

In the AWGG lab, we are generating genomic resources for diverse Australian vertebrates, including birds, marsupials, amphibians and reptiles. However, following bioinformatics instructions can sometimes feel a bit like this:

And for non-model organisms, it can feel like being asked to draw an owl when you don’t even know what one looks like (or worse, imagine being given a picture of a human as a reference point). So, how do we make bioinformatics more accessible to people getting started? We have been working hard to carefully document our in-house workflows and contribute to public how-to guides, such as the Genome Assembly with Galaxy guide.

Documenting your work not only helps others but can be a useful way to remember what you have done before! Good documentation can help you to train others, present your methods and ensure your analysis is reproducible. Some tips for documenting your work include:

  • Always keep track of the software and versions used
  • Try out an editor such as Visual Studio Code, which allows you to easily insert code and scripts and integrates well with Github
  • Don’t forget your science brain! It can be very easy to follow a tutorial from start to finish but have no idea what the end result means. A few sentences to justify your approach and explain how you interpret your results will help others use your guide correctly

Good documentation is just one step we are working on as part of the Threatened Species Initiative and ARC Centre of Excellence in Peptides and Protein Science to make genomics and bioinformatics more accessible to conservation end-users.


Dr Kate Farquharson

Dr Kate Farquharson is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Bioinformatics within the ARC Centre of Excellence for Innovations in Peptide & Protein Science. She applies bioinformatic approaches to the assembly and annotation of genomes and transcriptomes of Australian species to identify targets for peptide discovery. Kate completed her PhD in the AWGG lab in 2020, where she used statistical and molecular genetic approaches to investigate adaptation to captivity in conservation breeding programs. Kate specialises in synthesising, analysing and interpreting data, and in communicating results clearly to a range of audiences.

Kate Farquharson

Farquharson, K. A. (2020). Investigating adaptation to captivity: a data-driven approach. The University of Sydney.

Captive breeding programs are an increasingly common tool to prevent extinction and provide a source population for reintroductions to the wild. Breeding programs attempt to ‘halt evolution’ in captivity, however, there will always be differences between captive and wild environments. Genetic adaptation to captivity as a result of artificial or unintended selection is therefore likely. In this thesis, I examined (1) whether there are differences in reproductive success in captive environments between wild-born and captive-born animals, (2) long-term multi-generational changes in reproductive success in captivity and (3) how changes may occur between generations of captive breeding, including through variation in reproductive success and undetected selection. As the consequences of adaptation to captivity are of relevance to all captive breeding programs, I used a data-driven approach to examine the response of multiple species to captive breeding. In captivity, wild-born animals across diverse taxa had higher reproductive success than their captive-born counterparts and fitness changes occurred over multiple generations of captive breeding. The Tasmanian devil was then used as a case study to allow a closer examination of genetic change in captivity. High variation in the reproductive success of Tasmanian devils housed in free-range enclosures may reduce genetic diversity and accelerate adaptation to captivity if unmanaged, however mate choice did not explain the reproductive skew. Undetected early viability selection, where offspring deviate from Mendelian inheritance, was identified as a mechanism for undetected genetic change to occur in captive breeding programs. This thesis provides new information about the consequences and possible mechanisms of adaptation to captivity. Useful recommendations are provided to conservation managers considering the impact of adaptation to captivity in their species.